Castillos y iglesias

La „Roma Alemana“ fue el nombre de Múnich en el siglo 17 por la cantidad de iglesias en la ciudad. La Catedral, conocida como Frauenkirche – cuyas dos torres con cúpulas barrocas son el símbolo de la ciudad de Múnich – y las otras iglesias son un ejemplo de la historia del arte gótico hasta…

Visitas temáticas

Conozca la Múnich clasicista del Rey Luis I y eche un vistazo a las magníficas obras del rococó de los Hermanos Asam quienes trabajaron en Múnich. Sumérjase en el mundo de la música y disfrute del ambiente bohemio en los alrededores del colorido y dinámico mercado al aire libre conocido como Viktualienmarkt. La vida en…

Parchi e giardini

Monaco di Baviera è davvero una città verde – abbiamo parchi nello stile barocco como a Nymphenburg, giardini nello stile “paesaggio Inglese”, le sponde del fiume Isar e gli orticelli (Schrebergarten) dove la gente coltiva fiori, frutta e verdura. Ma ci sono anche i giardini contemporanei: il parco Olimpico e il Westpark (parco Ovest) dove…

Giri a tema

Volete conoscere la città classicista del Re Ludovico I ? Oppure le opere d’arte dello stile rococò dei fratelli Asam ? Il mercato – Ci sono sempre delle sorprese a Monaco, soprattutto quando si viene a Carnevale, durante l’Oktoberfest (Festa della birra) oppure prima di Natale negli affascinanti mercatini di Natale impregnati dall’odore dei biscottini…

Welcome to Munich!

Heading for Munich? Bavaria bound? Let me in on what you’d like to see and do and together we will plan your visit:  walks for families or individual visitors, coach tours for groups, bicycle tours or maybe a stretch limo. If you have special interests and you’d like a theme tour, guided visits to museums,…

Coach Tours

Munich is a city with nearly 1000 years of history and has many stories to tell – there is so much to say, to see and to learn: founded by Duke Henry the Lion in 1158, it passed to the Wittelsbach Family in 1180 and they made Munich their residence and the capital of Bavaria….

Parks and Gardens

Munich is so green, gardens and parks in each part of the city — an oasis for strollers.  Where? Along the Isar River there are pleasant walkways and meadow gardens; near the Residence and Nymphenburg Palace there are elegant formal baroque gardens, and quite near the old town there is the famous English Garden (which…

Palaces and Churches

„German Rome“ that was Munich’s  name in the 17th Century because of its splendid churches: the Cathedral with its onion-shaped towers that have become the landmark of Munich, Old St. Peter’s, the private Asam Church, and the Church of the Theatines – just to mention a few. They bear witness to centuries of religious feelings…


Ilona Brenner – Munich Tours, Klessingweg  4, D – 80997  Muenchen Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 742 991 91, ilona (at)